PPP pilot project for A model. New construction and extension of the A8 Augsburg-Munich motorway
The six-lane new construction and extension of the A8 motorway between Munich and Augsburg is the national pilot project for a Public Private Partnership in motorway construction, the first of what is known as the A model – a milestone in modern motorway construction.
As a responsible and influential consortium partner in the autobahnplus A8 Holding GmbH project, BERGER Bau has played a key role in the success of this pioneering construction project from the start. Our involvement includes planning, all phases of the two-year tendering process up to the financial close, plus the construction (lead), operation and maintenance, funding and return.
BERGER Bau was the technical lead of the whole 37 kilometre motorway section.
As a partner of autobahnplus Services GmbH, BERGER Bau is jointly responsible for the operation and maintenance of the A8 motorway up to its return to the franchiser on 30 April 2037.
Further information is available at http://www.autobahnplus.de/